怎么能让ai更好的读我的prompt里 结构化数组对象数据呢?

问:怎么能让ai更好的读我的prompt里 结构化数组对象数据呢?内容很长感觉就被遗弃了一些

答:由于上下文窗口的限制,所以无法给很长的内容,并且由于大语言模型并不擅长数学,所以它也无法帮助你基于你提供的结构化数据去做计算。这时候最好是大语言模型结合代码。并且不用担心,像 ChatGPT、Claude 都可以自动帮你生成代码去分析你提供的数据,当然你也可以自己去写代码去实现。


  1. 在给大语言的 prompt 里面,你只需要提供你结构化数据的数据结构,可以辅助给一些示例数据,而不需要给完整数据,这样就不会让输入的数据在 Prompt 中太长

  2. 说明你要对数据操作、分析的需求是什么

  3. 让 AI 基于你的需求去生成代码,然后用代码去读取数据,并生成结果

比如说,我把我 X 上的访问数据导出成 csv 文件,包含每一天的访问量,然后我把这个数据提交给 ChatGPT(Claude也可以),让它帮我:“分析我这一年的推文数据中,是哪个月访问量最大?哪一周访问量最大?哪一天访问两最大?”

ChatGPT 首先会对我的数据进行抽样,了解我的数据结构是什么样的。


Claude 也是类似,唯一的差别是 ChatGPT 用 Python,而 Claude 使用 JavaScript。

Claude 返回结果:

我来帮您分析这些数据。我会使用分析工具来处理CSV文件,查看不同时间维度的访问量(Profile visits)数据。

// 读取并解析CSV文件
const fileContent = await window.fs.readFile('account_overview_analytics 2.csv', { encoding: 'utf8' });
import Papa from 'papaparse';

const parsedData = Papa.parse(fileContent, {
  header: true,
  dynamicTyping: true,
  skipEmptyLines: true

const data = parsedData.data;

// 按月份分组
const monthlyVisits = {};
data.forEach(row => {
  const date = new Date(row.Date);
  const monthKey = `${date.getFullYear()}-${String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0')}`;
  if (!monthlyVisits[monthKey]) {
    monthlyVisits[monthKey] = 0;
  monthlyVisits[monthKey] += row['Profile visits'] || 0;

// 找出访问量最大的月份
const maxMonthVisits = Object.entries(monthlyVisits)
  .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])[0];
console.log('月度访问量最高:', maxMonthVisits);

// 按周分组
const weeklyVisits = {};
data.forEach(row => {
  const date = new Date(row.Date);
  const weekNumber = getWeekNumber(date);
  const weekKey = `${date.getFullYear()}-W${String(weekNumber).padStart(2, '0')}`;
  if (!weeklyVisits[weekKey]) {
    weeklyVisits[weekKey] = 0;
  weeklyVisits[weekKey] += row['Profile visits'] || 0;

// 找出访问量最大的周
const maxWeekVisits = Object.entries(weeklyVisits)
  .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])[0];
console.log('周访问量最高:', maxWeekVisits);

// 找出访问量最大的天
const dailyVisits = data.map(row => ({
  date: row.Date,
  visits: row['Profile visits'] || 0
const maxDayVisits = dailyVisits.sort((a, b) => b.visits - a.visits)[0];
console.log('日访问量最高:', maxDayVisits);

// 辅助函数:获取日期所在的周数
function getWeekNumber(date) {
  const d = new Date(Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()));
  const dayNum = d.getUTCDay() || 7;
  d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + 4 - dayNum);
  const yearStart = new Date(Date.UTC(d.getUTCFullYear(),0,1));
  return Math.ceil((((d - yearStart) / 86400000) + 1)/7);


1. 访问量最高的月份是 2024年2月,总访问量达到了 25,317 次
2. 访问量最高的周是 2024年第7周(2月中旬),访问量为 9,537 次
3. 访问量最高的单日是 2024年2月16日(星期五),当天访问量达到了 4,203 次




import pandas as pd

# Load the CSV file to analyze the data
file_path = '/mnt/data/account_overview_analytics (2).csv'
data = pd.read_csv(file_path)

# Display the first few rows to understand the structure of the data


                Date  Impressions  Likes  Engagements  Bookmarks  Shares  \
0  Fri, Dec 27, 2024        17955     65          405         29       1   
1  Thu, Dec 26, 2024      1126219   2870        21818       1386      65   
2  Wed, Dec 25, 2024      1657311   4312        19589       1544      78   
3  Tue, Dec 24, 2024       401326   1424        12266        749      41   
4  Mon, Dec 23, 2024       467837   1528        16703        782      43   

   New follows  Unfollows  Replies  Reposts  Profile visits  Create Post  \
0            4          0       10       10              35            0   
1          206         39      198      427            1099            1   
2          361         23      179      667            1700            3   
3          141         15      153      272             517            5   
4           96         27      217      260             559            2   

   Video views  Media views  
0          242          346  
1        22707        88041  
2        12096        23161  
3        17368        42005  
4        34821        77995  

The dataset includes columns such as `Date`, `Impressions`, `Likes`, and others. To answer your questions regarding:

1. **Month with the maximum impressions**: I'll group the data by month and calculate total impressions.
2. **Week with the maximum impressions**: I'll group the data by week and calculate total impressions.
3. **Day with the maximum impressions**: I'll find the single date with the highest impressions.

Let me proceed with the calculations.

# Convert the 'Date' column to a datetime format for easier grouping
data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Date'], format='%a, %b %d, %Y')

# Add helper columns for month and week
data['Month'] = data['Date'].dt.to_period('M')
data['Week'] = data['Date'].dt.isocalendar().week

# Group by month and sum the impressions
monthly_impressions = data.groupby('Month')['Impressions'].sum()

# Group by week and sum the impressions
weekly_impressions = data.groupby('Week')['Impressions'].sum()

# Find the day with the maximum impressions
max_day = data.loc[data['Impressions'].idxmax()]

# Extract the results
max_month = monthly_impressions.idxmax()
max_month_value = monthly_impressions.max()

max_week = weekly_impressions.idxmax()
max_week_value = weekly_impressions.max()

max_day_date = max_day['Date']
max_day_value = max_day['Impressions']

(max_month, max_month_value, max_week, max_week_value, max_day_date, max_day_value)


(Period('2024-02', 'M'),
 Timestamp('2024-02-16 00:00:00'),

Here is the analysis of your tweet impressions:

1. **Month with the maximum impressions**: February 2024, with a total of 22,484,999 impressions.
2. **Week with the maximum impressions**: Week 7 (mid-February 2024), with a total of 7,480,737 impressions.
3. **Day with the maximum impressions**: February 16, 2024, with 2,753,640 impressions.

Let me know if you'd like a more detailed visualization or further breakdown!